Groundworks and foundations started at “The Coppice”
by Andy Evans, in Development News , New Homes

Since finishing the demolition and site clearance a couple of weeks ago, things are really starting to take shape now at “The Coppice” our development of 7 new luxury detached homes on the Chester Road in Aldridge, as you’ll see from the video and photos below.
We’ve now got our brand new site office, canteen, welfare and storage facilities all set up, giving Richard Harper our Site Manager, Carl Brevitt our Telehandler Driver & Site Supervisor and the whole team on site a quality environment to work from.
Also over the last two weeks the team from Tim Bates, our Groundworks Contractors, have been progressing at quite a pace with foundation works. We’ve now got the foundations dug for most plots, concrete poured to several of them and the foundation block and brickwork almost completed on plot 7.
Click on the photos below to expand and explore them.
Interested in buying? If you’d like to be first to find out more about the development when we announce further details, please register onto our mailing list by putting your email address into the box at the bottom of this page, you might also want to follow us via one or all of our social media channels – see the links at the bottom of this page (and at the top if you’re viewing on tablet or PC).
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I would like to receive more information about the available homes
Hi Salah,
I’ve just added you to our mailing list so we can keep you informed, please look out for an email asking you to confirm your registration.
We’re just finalising the standard specification and expect to be able to release prices in a couple of weeks time. The Floor plans will be released via our website hopefully before the end of this week, so please do keep an eye on our Blog and social media channels.
Kind regards,
Wonderful Homes
Please can you provide floor plans and prices for these properties
We’re just finalising the standard specification and expect to be able to release prices in a couple of weeks time. The Floor plans will be released via our website shortly.
If you’d like to be first to find out more about the development when we announce further details, please register onto our mailing list by putting your email address into the box at the bottom of our website, you might also want to follow us via one or all of our social media channels.
Kind regards,
Wonderful Homes