1st floors installed on Plots 1-3 at Aldermans Place, New Homes on Walsall Road, Willenhall
by Andy Evans, in Development News , New Homes

It’s the end of the 11th week on site at Aldermans Place, our New Homes development on Walsall Road in Willenhall, and things are really starting to take shape now; We have the 1st floor joists and floor boards installed to plots 1-3, the walls are up to 1st floor joist level on plots 4-6 with the 1st lift scaffolding installed, the new driveway off Walsall Road has been formed and base coat tarmac laid, and work on installing all the storm and foul drainage connections and building up the ground levels is moving on at a rapid pace.
Watch our video update and see photos of progress on site below.